In this lesson we watched Vantage Point and we were asked to then speak about how reception theory works while watching a film. This blog post will explain what reception theory is and how it effected me whilst watching Vantage Point.
Reception theory provides a means of understanding media texts by understanding how these texts are read by audiences. Reception theory argues that contextual factors, more than textual ones, influence the way the spectator views the film or television program.
Vantage point
When I watched Vantage Point I was in a classroom with natural light coming through the window where I was sat. Therefor it wasn't a scary or there wasn't an atmosphere that put me on edge. I also watched it with my friends therefor I wasn't scared as they were making situations slightly funny and I couldn't take the film serious where as if I had watched Vantage point in the cinema there would of been a different atmosphere as it would be pitch black, I would of been with strangers, it's a larger room with no windows and only escape doors therefore it could make you feel clostrephobic and more on edge than you would be at home in a place you know and you feel safe, it would of felt more tense.
How did sitting in a classroom with other media students effect the narrative though? Did you discuss how did hie effect your opinion of the film?